Abstract:Based on the micro data of listed manufacturing companies in China and the data from WIOD and ADB world input-output tables,this paper examines the stimulating effect caused by US decoupling strategies on the internal driving force of innovation for Chinese enterprises and the impact of US decoupling strategies on China's position in global value chains.The results show the followings.Firstly,the US decoupling strategies have a significant positive stimulating effect on the internal motivation of Chinese enterprises' innovation,and the stimulation effect can offset the containment effect.Secondly,the superimposed effect of the decoupling strategies on the improvement of Chinese enterprises' global value chain status is significantly positive,and is negatively correlated with the upstreamness,indicating that the US decoupling strategies cannot prevent the rising of China's global value chain position and the improvement of China's industrial technology level.Finally,Chinese enterprises independent innovation relies too much on“learning effects”such as absorption and transformation of FDI technology spillover,causing a phenomenon of“low quality,low efficiency”that reduces the efficiency of improvement of China's global value chain position.FDI plays a significant role in improving China's position in the global value chain,but it prevents the“high-quality and efficient”independent innovation of domestic enterprises.The conclusions of this paper provide policy implications for improving the quality and efficiency of enterprises'independent innovation and China's position in the global value chains.
郭万山, 滕飞, 侯翔瀚, 李科霖. 全球价值链的脱钩与反脱钩:来自中国制造业企业微观数据的经验证据[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2024(4): 74-83.
Guo Wanshan, Teng Fei, Hou Xianghan, Li Kelin. Decoupling and Anti-Decoupling from Global Value Chain: Empirical Evidence from Micro Data of Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises. , 2024(4): 74-83.
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