Abstract:The traditional international circulation has been broken by the current complicated and vulnerable international economic,political and security situation,and large-scale scientific and technological innovation activities have promoted the deconstruction and reconstruction of global value chain.The theoretical logic of economic growth has been transformed from the“capital-labor-technology”paradigm of neoclassical economic growth theory to the“composite factor”paradigm of high-quality development,in which the data with significant spillover effect has become the key elements and deeply affects the process of global value chain reconstruction.This paper analyzes the effect of data elements on value chain reconstruction by establishing the generalized production function embedded with digital elements,and introduces the scale effect of capital flow and technology spillover effect under the global economic imbalance into the value chain reconstruction measurement model,also examines the heterogeneity of data effects on different types of countries and different manufacturing industries,so as to explore the internal mechanism of data factors to promote the evolution of international division of labor.The empirical results show that,the global economic imbalance drives the restructuring of the global value chain system,and data factors enable the digital transformation of the real economy to form new advantages which accelerates the process of global value chain reconstruction,furthermore,the effect shows heterogeneity of countries and industries.
贺娅萍. 数据要素与全球价值链重构——基于全球经济再平衡的视角[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2024(5): 130-139.
He Yaping. Data Elements and Global Value Chain Reconstruction ——From Rebalancing of the Global Economy. , 2024(5): 130-139.
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