Research on the Treatment Policy of Young Talents Introduction in Colleges and Universities ——Based on the Textual Analysis of the Introduction Policy of Young Talents in 56 Colleges and Universities
Long Mengqing, Zhu Mingli, Zou Huijuan
School ofEducation,Hunan Agricultural University,Hunan Changsha 410128,China
Abstract:Based on the two-factor theory,the article analyzes the text of young talent introduction policy of 56 colleges and universities of different regions and types in China with the help of Nvivo software.It is found that the current policy for the introduction of young talents in colleges and universities in China pays too much attention to the health care factor and neglects the incentive factor from time to time,and the overall policy is mainly based on the guarantee policy,supplemented by the reward policy,and the development policy is seldom paid attention to.However,different regions and different types of colleges and universities have different treatment policies for the introduction of young talents.Colleges and universities in South China,East China and Northwest China are generally better than those in other regions,and“double first-class”colleges and universities and provincial key undergraduate colleges and universities are generally better than those provincial ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities and higher vocational colleges and universities.The study concluded that the introduction of young talent treatment policy development in universities is dominated by internal factors such as the conservative concept of“talent from money”and the insufficient development concept of“money from talent”,as well as a variety of urgent and immediate benefits,and the influence of external factors such as insufficient government guidance and supervision.Colleges and universities should update their ideology and do a good job of talent planning.Young talents should overcome the temptation of interest and take the initiative,and the government should take active measures to optimize the situation by strengthening macro-control and supervision.
龙梦晴, 朱明俐, 邹慧娟. 高校青年人才引进待遇政策研究——基于56所高校青年人才引进政策文本分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2024(5): 22-33.
Long Mengqing, Zhu Mingli, Zou Huijuan. Research on the Treatment Policy of Young Talents Introduction in Colleges and Universities ——Based on the Textual Analysis of the Introduction Policy of Young Talents in 56 Colleges and Universities. , 2024(5): 22-33.
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