Abstract:The foundation of the successful development of data element markets lies in the clarity and hierarchy of data element ownership.The economic value of data elements,the various rights held by different parties over data elements,and the public value of data elements for economic development and national security constitute the legal basis for defining data element property rights.Based on the interests of stakeholders in the various stages of data element sourcing,generation,and trading,hierarchical data element property rights include both proprietary and non-proprietary rights of data producers and limited rights of data processors.To protect national security and public interest,data element property rights should also undergo security reviews and usage controls.To improve the mechanisms safeguards of data element property rights,firstly,a data property rights registration system should be established by the way of a pilot to confirm the attribution of property rights.Secondly,distinctions should be made between trading entities and data interest attributes,leading to the development of a typed data trading mechanism.Thirdly,while increasing participation in the formulation of international data trading rules,efforts should be made to promote the construction of diverse,China-specific data trading dispute resolution mechanisms.