Research on the Impact of Patent Litigation on Enterprise Technological Innovation ——An Empirical Study of ICT Enterprises
Zhang Lifei1, Jiang Xiao2, He Jingjing1, Zhang Yunsheng3
1. School of Economics and Trade,Hunan University,Changsha 410079,China; 2. Hunan Commercial Technicians Institute, Zhuzhou 412000,China; 3. School of Business,Central South University,Changsha 410083,China
Abstract:Patent litigation has increasingly emerged as a crucial tool and strategy for ICT firms in market competition.This study selects 57 global ICT companies from 2008 to 2021 as research samples to explore the impact of corporate litigation experiences,under different litigation roles,on technological innovation.Baseline regression results indicate that firms with extensive experiences in both initiating and defending litigation exert a positive influence on technological innovation activities,as they are more inclined to increase R&D investment and patent output to enhance their market competitiveness.The results of the heterogeneity analysis indicate that proactive patent litigation has a greater promoting effect on the technology innovation input and output of market-leading enterprises.Market-following enterprises increase both their innovation input and patent output after being sued.Proactive patent litigation experience exerts a more pronounced incentive effect on the technological innovation activities of enterprises with high financing constraints.Compared to ICT service enterprises,the litigation experience of ICT manufacturing enterprises has a stronger promoting effect on technological innovation.
张利飞, 姜晓, 贺景景, 张运生. 专利诉讼对企业技术创新的影响研究——基于全球ICT企业的实证研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2025(2): 65-72.
Zhang Lifei, Jiang Xiao, He Jingjing, Zhang Yunsheng. Research on the Impact of Patent Litigation on Enterprise Technological Innovation ——An Empirical Study of ICT Enterprises. , 2025(2): 65-72.
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