Abstract:On the basis of the theory of product space,this paper compares the industrial upgrading path in BRICS from 2000 to 2015.First of all, empirical studies using the comparative advantages and the density indicators show that the industrial upgrading in BRICS has deviated from the path of comparative advantage,especially in China.Secondly, on the basis of comparison on the economic complexities,growth performance,capability distance and other indicators,it concludes that China and India have strong capabilities to evolve their product space;Brazil and South Africa's capabilities to evolve their product space are similar, while Russia's is nearly stagnant.On the whole, China and India are stronger in competitiveness in industrial upgrading.China's product diversity and economic growth stability have obvious advantages.The leap-forward development path that deviates from its comparative advantages is beneficial to China.
张美云, 宋宇. 金砖五国产品空间演化与产业升级路径比较[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(3): 180-188.
Zhang Meiyun, Song Yu. The Comparison Study of the Spatial Evolution and Industrial Upgrading Path in BRICS. , 2018(3): 180-188.
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