Assessment of the Efficiency of Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation in Chinese Universities
Zhong Wei1, Chen Baoming2
1.School of Public Administration and Policy,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China; 2.Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development,Beijing 100038,China
Abstract:The assessment of the efficiency of scientific and technological achievements transformation in universities is of great significance to understand the current situation of scientific and technological achievements transformation and strengthen macroeconomic regulation and management.However,there are still disagreements over the understanding of the basic concepts of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements,the mode of transformation,and the standard of successful transformation.On the basis of above three issues,as well as the comparison of the concept of scientific and technological achievements transformation with the concept of technology transfer,this paper extracts the essences of inputs and outputs in the course of transforming scientific and technological achievements in universities.Thereinto,inputs are the several of application-oriented scientific and technological achievements,including patents;and outputs are the three modes of transformation,including technology transfer,license and evaluation investment.With these inputs and outputs,and using Bootstrap-DEA,this paper estimates the efficiency of scientific and technological achievements transformation of 50 Chinese universities from 2010 to 2012.It is found that the integral level of the scientific and technological achievements transformation in Chinese universities is not high(the mean value is 0.387).In the process of scientific and technological achievements transformation,there are better performance in the universities which have the strength of scientific research,medical college,and are the first to join the National University Science Park.
钟卫, 陈宝明. 中国高校科技成果转化绩效评价研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(4): 41-49.
Zhong Wei, Chen Baoming. Assessment of the Efficiency of Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation in Chinese Universities. , 2018(4): 41-49.
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