Abstract:This paper studies the influencing factors of R&D investment from an enterprise innovative resources perspective on the basis of the framework of Resource-Based Theory.First of all,the paper defines the concept of innovative resources,which are subdivided into two categories:technical knowledge resource and demand information resource.On the basis of these concepts,considering the effect of competition on innovation,the study constructs a new conceptual framework for analyzing the influence factors of R&D investment from the perspective of innovative resource.Then an empirical test is conducted based on a data set of 316 firms from the Listed Companies in China's Growth Enterprise Market.The result shows that there is a positive relationship between innovative resources and R&D investment;there is a positive relationship between competition pressure and the enterprise innovation,furthermore,competition pressure positively moderates the impact of technical knowledge resource on R&D investment.
宋洋. 创新资源与高新技术企业研发投入——基于资源基础理论的实证分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(4): 101-111.
Song Yang. Innovative Resources and R&D Investment of High-tech Enterprises——An Empirical Research in View of Resource-Based Theory. , 2018(4): 101-111.
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