Knowledge Spillover Effect of Internet on Inclusive Innovation
Qin Jialiang1,Zhang Yuchen1,He Minghua2
1.School of Economics and Management,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China; 2.Department of Development and Plan,Jinggangshan University,Ji'an 343009,China
Abstract:By using 2700 Chinese firms' data from the Word Bank Enterprise Surveys,this paper studies the knowledge spillover effect of internet on inclusive innovation.The empirical result shows that internet's knowledge spillover effect can foster inclusive innovation;the non-exporting firms,single-plant firms,small firms and the firms located in non-economic agglomeration area can benefit more from internet.What's more,the quantile regression indicates that the impact of the internet's knowledge spillover effect on firms' innovation performance differs at different productivity levels,which is proxy of firms' absorptive capacities.The conclusions have policy implications for the national strategy of Internet plus to improve inclusive innovation and promote social balanced development.
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