Abstract:Knowledge,as the most critical resource,is the basis of innovation of small and medium enterprises(SMEs).The realization of knowledge management activities and their roles are affected by the context of SMEs.This paper clarifies and analyzes the relationship and roles of the corresponding variables in the concept level,behavior level and tactics level.It draws the conclusions as follows:Improvisational innovation,bricolage innovation and frugal innovation,respectively,needs the support of internal knowledge retrieval,internal knowledge modularity and external knowledge search.Context modeling and context matching results affect knowledge management behavior of SMEs.At the same time,they also moderate the relationships between the knowledge management behaviors and the innovational tactics.SMEs' knowledge management behaviors and the innovational tactics also provide feedback and new requirements to the context modeling and matching results;Meanwhile,the SMEs realize their growth in this two-way path.These conclusions enrich the innovation theory,knowledge management theory and context theory,and also provide some implications for SMEs' innovation strategy choice and knowledge management in various context.
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