Sector Structural Shift and Low Carbon Transformation in Jilin Province in the Background of the New Round of Northeast China RevitalizationN
ie Hongguang1,2,3,Chen Yongqing1
1.School of Economics and Management,Changchun University of Science and Technology,Changchun 130022,China; 2.Institutes of Science and Development,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China; 3.Industrial Culture Research Base of Jilin Province,Changchun University of Science and Technology,Changchun 130022,China
Abstract:In the background of new round of northeast China revitalization strategy,by using the Logarithmic mean Divisia index method(LMDI),we analyze the change of energy consumption in the period of 2001—2015 in Jilin province.The result shows that the changes of energy consumption in Jilin province is affected by economic growth,sector structural shift and energy intensity.Among them,economic growth is the main driving force of energy consumption increasing,and the energy intensity is the main driving factor of inhabit energy consumption.However,the sector structural shift promotes the increasing of the energy consumption in Jilin province,contrary to the situation in developed countries and developed provinces in China,which indicates that the sector structure adjustment in Jilin province is unreasonable in recent years.On the basis of the further analysis of the energy consumption situation in different sector structure scenarios during the period of 2016—2025,we point that there is a great potential of low-carbon development.Taking the possible problems in the process of sector structure adjustment in Jilin Province into account,we put forward countermeasures and suggestions on low carbon transition.
聂洪光,陈永庆. 新一轮东北振兴背景下吉林省产业结构调整与低碳转型发展[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(5): 88-96.
ie Hongguang,Chen Yongqing. Sector Structural Shift and Low Carbon Transformation in Jilin Province in the Background of the New Round of Northeast China RevitalizationN. , 2018(5): 88-96.
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