Abstract:This paper focuses on the information technology diffusion and social risk governance,and studies the usage of the information technology products among the Chinese teenagers.Selecting 3104 samples in total,it investigates three indexes:the first-use time,use frequency and main applications of the products in the teenager group.It shows that there exists structural difference in the diffusion of information and communication technologies,with most balanced in the time distribution of TV watching,and most unbalanced in the population distribution of computer using.In the modernization of science and technology governance,the potential social risks caused by new technologies should been taken a full consideration and dissolved in advance,especially by facilitating the equilibrium distribution of technological product in different social groups.
张成岗,张仕敏,黄晓伟. 信息技术、数字鸿沟与社会公正——新技术风险的社会治理[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(5): 136-144.
Zhang Chenggang,Zhang Shimin,Huang Xiaowei. Information Technology,Digital Divide and Social Justice——The Social Governance of the Risks of Emerging Technologies. , 2018(5): 136-144.
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