Niche and Sustainable Transition Patterns of Socio-technical Systems——A Case-study of Offshore Wind Development in Germany(1993—2016)
Chen Zhuochun1,Xu Changsheng 2
1.Department of Economics & Management,Wenhua College,Wuhan 430074,China;
2.Economics School,Huazhong University of Science & Technology,Wuhan 430074,China
Abstract:Based on Multi-level perspective(MLP)of socio-technical transition,this paper synthesizes analysis including transition conditions,forces,patterns and realizing mechanisms into an integrated transition framework.It is employed to describe and address the sustainable transition process of energy with development of offshore wind in Germany.It shows that the top-down supports from German government,in terms of law and regulations,practices standardizations,resource provision and power exercises,have been promoting the offshore wind niche growing into market and accelerating the speed of desired transition.In the end,the paper discusses the impacts of government activities and implications.
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