Abstract:The paper collected the policies for science and technology service industry in 2006—2016 and preprocessed 227 policy texts.On the basis of grounded theory,it extracted 75 key words to do text mining analysis.Combined with policy tools,it found that:China's science and technology service industry policies focuse on some areas such as technology transfer and intellectual property services,but less focus on R&D services,inspection and detection,sci-tech finance;there are lack of coordination policies and incentive policies;the combination of policy measures is monotonous;the uneven policy instruments have overflow risks and crowding-out effects.Accordingly,we put forward countermeasures and suggestions.
张骁,周霞,王亚丹. 中国科技服务业政策的量化与演变——基于扎根理论和文本挖掘分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(6): 6-13.
Zhang Xiao,Zhou Xia,Wang Yadan. The Quantification and Evolution of China's Policies for Science and Technology Service Industry ——Based on Grounded Theory and Text Mining. , 2018(6): 6-13.
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