Big Data Analytics Capability,Collaborative Innovation Capability and Collaborative Innovation Performance
Ren Nan1,2,Lu Lijun2,He Mengjiao2
1.Research Center of Service Manufacturing Mode and Informationization,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Zhenjiang 212003,China; 2.School of Economics and Management, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Zhenjiang 212003,China
Abstract:To explore the relationship between big data analytics capability of manufacturing enterprises and collaborative innovation among enterprises,this paper establishes a theoretical model among big data analytics capability,collaborative innovation capability and collaborative innovation performance.By the survey from 217 manufacturing enterprises,the theoretical model is empirically studied. The results show that big data analytics capability contains three dimensions:big data tangible resources big data human resources,big data intangible resources.Big data tangible resources have significant and positive effects on big data human resources and big data intangible resources,but big data tangible resources do not show any significant direct effects on collaborative innovation capability or collaborative innovation performance,while having the indirect effects on collaborative innovation capability through big data human resources and big data intangible resources.Big data human resources and big data intangible resources both have the indirect effects on collaborative innovation performance through collaborative innovation capability.Collaborative innovation capability has significant and positive effects on collaborative innovation performance.
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