Rules Evolution of International R&D Funding Statistic and Its Implications to China ——Based on the Analysis of Frascati Manual Seventh Edition
Li Zibiao1,Liang Bo1,Xuan Zhaohui2
1.School of Economics and Management,Hebei University of Technology,Tianjin 300401,China; 2.Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development,Beijing 100038,China
Abstract:With the gradual emphasis on R&D and innovation,R&D funding data has become an indispensable basis for government science and technology management decision-making and policy effectiveness evaluation.Over viewing the rules evolution of R&D funding statistic in Frascati Manual,we can find some characteristics including constantly changing for investment subject,expanding of the statistical field,refining of the measured steps,widening of the statistical caliber.So China should focus on R&D funding investment subject,statistical areas,capital flows and funding measures to standardize the statistical rules,and provide a data support and service for implementing national innovation investigation system and strategy of innovation-driven development,and promoting the construction of innovative countries.
李子彪,梁博,玄兆辉. 国际R&D经费统计规则变迁及对中国的启示——基于《弗拉斯卡蒂手册》第七版的分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(6): 171-178.
Li Zibiao,Liang Bo,Xuan Zhaohui. Rules Evolution of International R&D Funding Statistic and Its Implications to China ——Based on the Analysis of Frascati Manual Seventh Edition. , 2018(6): 171-178.
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