Abstract:Social organizations of China's science and technology have experienced four different development periods of historical development so far,forming five different types and functions of the organization type.Through the SWOT analysis of social organizations of Chinese science and technology,the author puts forward the strategic goal,proposes to solve the problem of funding sources in order to achieve its stable development,improve the internal governance mechanism to promote its strength development,and enhance its external competitiveness in order to achieve its sustainable development,and perfect regulations and systems to ensure their coordinated development and broaden their international horizons in order to promote their international development and implementation of the strategic objectives of the path.At both micro and macro levels,it wants to solve the problems and challenges of social organizations of science and technology and promotes its steady development.
陈姗姗, 张向前. 中国特色科技类社会组织发展战略研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(7): 1-8.
Chen Shanshan,Zhang Xiangqian. Development Strategy of Social Organizations of Chinese Science and Technology. , 2018(7): 1-8.
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