The Substitution and Complementarity Between Large-Scale Application of Industrial Robot and Heterogeneous Skilled Labor Force
Du Chuanwen1, Li Qing2, Rui Mingjie1, Lyu Jie3
1.School of Management,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China; 2.China Everbright Group Corporation,Beijing 100045,China; 3.School of Management,Shanghai Business School,Shanghai 200235,China
Abstract:This paper studied the structural effects of industrial robots on heterogeneous skilled labor.The theoretical analysis of this paper showed that technological advances in industrial robots had enabled it to speed up the substitution of traditional material capital and low skilled labor force,and form complementary relations with highly skilled workforce to increase their demand.The empirical analysis of 21 countries and regions data from 1990 to 2015 confirmed the above corollary:the number of applications of the robot industry increased by 10%,while low skilled labor demand in all the proportion of labor declined by 0.64%;the proportion of highly skilled labor and medium skilled labor needs increased by 0.26% and 0.38% in all the labor force,respectively.This paper further analyzed the impact of industrial robots on the change of income share of different types of labor force,and put forward some policy suggestions to reduce the negative impact of industrial robots.
杜传文, 李晴, 芮明杰, 吕洁. 大规模工业机器人应用与异质性技能劳动力之间的替代互补关系[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(8): 174-182.
Du Chuanwen, Li Qing, Rui Mingjie, Lyu Jie. The Substitution and Complementarity Between Large-Scale Application of Industrial Robot and Heterogeneous Skilled Labor Force. , 2018(8): 174-182.
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