Abstract:PPP is a new model of innovative eco-compensation finance operation,which can alleviate the financial pressure of the government to carry out eco-construction in eco-compensation.Both are highly coupled in the area of development and national policies.To streamline the operation process and select suitable modes at each stage,it is clear that the role orientation of“government-led and private-owned participation”is the key factor in the operation of PPP projects in ecological compensation.Among them,the ecological compensation fund is different from other areas of PPP projects,but also the key to improving the floor rate of PPP in ecological construction.In addition,risk prevention,pattern differentiation,and sound laws and regulations can ensure the smooth implementation of the PPP model in ecological compensation.
耿翔燕, 葛颜祥. 生态补偿背景下生态建设公私合作模式的运作机制[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(9): 166-172.
Geng Xiangyan, Ge Yanxiang. Operation Mechanism of PPP Mode in Ecological Construction Under the Background of Ecological Compensation. , 2018(9): 166-172.
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