Abstract:After the analysis of complementary index of the bilateral trade between China and Japan,as well as the spillover of capital stock earmarked for R&D gained from China's FDI into Japan,we found that the trade between China and Japan had been exerting an increasingly strong effect on China's technological innovation,which,however,received weak influences from FDI of Japan.According to the theory of“Staircase Influence”,the above effects mainly covered 9 provinces in the east of China.Furthermore,we also examined the effects of technological innovation caused by trades and FDI from Japan to these 9 provinces through Fixed Effect Model and Sys-GMM,relying on Provincial Panel Data from 2004 to 2015.The results showed that the effects presented in a positive U-shaped curve,and in recent period,the effects from bilateral trading was stabilized at the curve's right side,by the contrary,the FDI from Japan affected provinces' technical innovation negatively.
王晗. 日本对华贸易、直接投资对中国技术创新的影响[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(9): 173-180.
Wang Han. The Impact of Japan's Trade and FDI on China's Technological Innovation. , 2018(9): 173-180.
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