Abstract:The emerging open innovation platforms,which are based on the internet,broaden the range of the outside resources,reduce the innovation costs,and improve the innovation effectiveness.They make open innovation platform an effective tool for innovation intermediaries.From the perspective of resource orchestration,this paper studies the effect of open innovation platform on innovation intermediaries.A longitudinal case study is used to analyze how the open innovation platform,in terms of IT resource,promotes the innovation intermediary capability.A building mechanism and evolution process model of innovation intermediary capability based on open innovation platform is found.It is showed that resource orchestration based on open innovation platform is the key to build the innovation intermediary capability,and the change of resource orchestration drives the evolution of innovation intermediary capability.
陈佳丽, 戚桂杰, 周蕊. 基于开放式创新平台的创新中介能力构建和演进——以众研网为例[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(10): 62-72.
Chen Jiali, Qi Guijie, Zhou Rui. The Building Mechanism and Evolution Process of Innovation Intermediary Capability Based on Open Innovation Platform:A Case Study of Zoneyan. , 2018(10): 62-72.
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