Abstract:With the availability of data,the analytical value of healthcare big data is gradually emerging.However,how to analyse it with the key technologies and related decision support have become the main problems.This paper starts from the “4V” characteristics of healthcare big data,puts forward the specific challenges,and then elaborates the analytical technological process and the new technologies of healthcare big data,recommending of using distributed data system and Hadoop platform to face challenges.In addition,the paper also discusses three kinds of technological analysis about how to obtain insights,namely descriptive,predictive and prescriptive analytics.Finally the paper comments the decision support of big data analytics in healthcare,providing supports to the decisions of accurate medical or prevention, and public health or medical management.
虞铭明, 张迺英, 李月娥. 医疗健康大数据分析的关键技术与决策支持[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(11): 53-62.
Yu Mingming, Zhang Naiying, Li Yueer. The Key Technologies and Decision Support of Big Data Analytics in Healthcare. , 2018(11): 53-62.
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