Is Streamlining Administrative Process and Decentralization,or Science and Technology Public Service Beneficial for SMEs?
Liu Yao1,Wu Jiannan1,2
1.School of International and Public Affairs of Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200030,China; 2.Institute of Chinese Urban Governance of Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200030,China;
Abstract:Based on the survey of 376 small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs),the effects of streamlining administrative process and decentralization and science and technology public service on innovation vitality of SMEs are investigated,and the moderating role of streamlining administrative process and decentralization are examined.The research shows that both of them can significantly promote the innovation vitality of SMEs.Streamlining administrative process and decentralization can significantly moderate the relationship between science and technology public service and enterprises' innovation vitality.In order to stimulate the innovation vitality of small and medium-sized enterprises,we put forward suggestions on implementing streamlining administrative process and decentralization more deeply and developing the role of“synergy”with other measures,reducing the red tape and rent-seeking in the public service of science and technology,strengthening the autonomy of small and medium-sized enterprises in the provision of services.
刘遥, 吴建南. 简政放权、科技公共服务还是双管齐下[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(12): 1-8.
Liu Yao,Wu Jiannan. Is Streamlining Administrative Process and Decentralization,or Science and Technology Public Service Beneficial for SMEs?. , 2018(12): 1-8.
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