Abstract:Industry-university collaboration not only affects firms' innovation activities and regional economic development,but also influences the applied research of universities.Although current study has investigated the direct effect of industry-university collaboration on universities' applied research performance,its structural effects still need empirical evidence.Taking Tsinghua University as an example,this paper first utilizes its patent data of 1985—2016 to construct a“Tsinghua University-Industry”patent collaboration network.Then,employing key indexes of the network such as degree centrality,betweenness centrality and closeness centrality,this paper examines the network's effect on Tsinghua University's applied research performance.Results show that degree centrality and betweenness centrality have a significant positive effect on applied research performance,while the increase in closeness centrality could not improve applied research performance.The results of this article provide empirical evidence for the“industry-university collaboration—applied research performance”relationship,and reference for the formulation of industry-university collaboration policies.
李秀坤, 肖广岭, 刘露露. 清华大学产学合作专利网络特征及其对应用研究绩效的影响[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(12): 106-113.
Li Xiukun,Xiao Guangling,Liu Lulu. The Characteristics of Tsinghua University's Industry-University Patent Cooperation Network and Its Impact on the Performance of the Applied Research. , 2018(12): 106-113.
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