Abstract:The digital technology revolution is pushing the digitalization of the socio-economic production paradigm around the world,which permeating and reconstructing the entire economic system and thus leads to the transformation of the global economic landscape.During this process,the digital tech-based companies are growing rapidly,and internet-based platforms are playing the key role in the global competition.Those countries that possess larger scale of network market and more innovation-favoring market environment will account for more competitive advantage.And most manufacturing sectors will prefer those regions that are capital,talent and technology intensive.The global investment will speed upflowing to more areas with a higher degree of knowledge and technology intensiveness,thus those areas will occupy an important share in the international trade.We suggest that China should actively respond to the possible risks and challenges of losing the manufacturing scale advantage,low cost advantage,industrial matching capacity,and also accelerate industrial digitalization and upgrading,as well as strengthening the weakness of key generic technology and basic research to improve original innovation capability.In addition,it is necessary for us to accelerate the reform of education,promote upgrading the employment structure and flexible employment,and also strengthen international cooperation in digital economy.
马名杰, 戴建军, 熊鸿儒. 数字化转型对生产方式和国际经济格局的影响与应对[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(1): 12-16.
Ma Mingjie, Dai Jianjun, Xiong Hongru. The Countermeasures and The Effect of Digitalization on Production System and Global Economic Landscape. , 2019(1): 12-16.
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