Investigation into International Big Science Program from the Perspective of Process Management System
Zhong Dongting1,Chang Xuhua2
1.School of Economics and Management,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;
2.Shanghai International College of Intellectual Property,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China
Abstract:Along with global scientific research activities becoming more organizational and specialized,as one essential type of scientific research organization,International Big Science Program is attracting more attention to answer humanity basic scientific questions.However,there is little academic research focusing on how to conduct an International Big Science Program.This paper attempts to narrow the gap.Firstly,this paper discusses the significance of Big Science Program to founding and participating countries.Secondly,this paper analyzes typical International Big Science Programs which were launched by developed countries and UN,and points out how to manage in four process stages:preparation stage,initiative stage,organization stage,and implementation stage.Lastly,this paper gives some insights and suggestions for policy makers.
仲东亭,常旭华. 典型国际大科学计划的过程管理体系分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(2): 36-43.
Zhong Dongting,Chang Xuhua. Investigation into International Big Science Program from the Perspective of Process Management System. , 2019(2): 36-43.
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