The Risk Governance of Follow-up Financing of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Startups and Its Legalization Based on Intelligent Evaluation System:Taking Nanjing's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Startups As An Example
Zhang Fan
Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,Nanjing 210093,China
Abstract:To upgrade the Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation,many types of funds for the startups and innovation derived from the talent management department,the science and technology department,and other public funding in local governments,have been increasing in the number and size.However,how to make the performance evaluation of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Startups,and match with the risk investment,neads more attention from researchers.Based on these Innovation and Entrepreneurship Startups,the author creates an“Online+Offline Performance Evaluation Mechanism”,and analyzes the risks of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Startups that arise from the following-up financing,and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures for the local government management and legal construction.
张帆. 基于智能评估系统的双创企业续融风险治理及其法治化——以南京市双创企业为例[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(2): 73-82.
Zhang Fan. The Risk Governance of Follow-up Financing of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Startups and Its Legalization Based on Intelligent Evaluation System:Taking Nanjing's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Startups As An Example. , 2019(2): 73-82.
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