Abstract:Starting with an analysis of the US economic structure and the global production system of electronics industry,using US BEA data and WIOD data respectively,this paper discusses how the value-added rate of US electronics industry can keep rising under the changing industrial environment.The analysis shows that in the global production chain of electronics industry,China and South Korea continue to strengthen industrial links,and the US electronics industry promotes the formation of a global production system by outsourcing more intermediate products.In this global production pattern,the trade war will certainly first hit the high surplus of the US electronics industry.At the same time,with the change of market forces and the United States is increasingly relying on the local market,the high value-added rate of the US electronics industry and the cost of the trade war will become a burden on domestic consumers.
夏明,彭春燕. 美国电子产业增加值率为什么能够不断提升?[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(2): 169-178.
Xia Ming,Peng Chunyan. Why the Value-Added Rate of the US Electronics Industry Can Continue to Rise?. , 2019(2): 169-178.
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