Abstract:Technological innovation was self-evident,but its public goods nature often leads to insufficient R&D investment and problems such as “market failure”.In order to encourage enterprise innovation,more and more countries adopt the R&D tax system.In recent years,the R&D tax system in China had developed rapidly,but there were still some problems.Therefore,it was necessary to draw lessons from the latest experience of typical countries.This article selects representative developed countries and transition countries for key analysis.It was concluded that the reform of Chinese enterprise R&D tax system should focus on the precision of tax incentives,increase the direct tax incentives for SMEs,R&D personnel,etc.
李香菊,贺娜. 激励企业研发创新的税制研究:国际经验借鉴[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(4): 174-180.
Li Xiangju,He Na. Tax Research on Encouraging Enterprise R&D and Innovation:International Experience. , 2019(4): 174-180.
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