International Comparison of the Development of Graphene from the Perspective of Science-Technology-Industry Relevancy: Based on the Patentometrics Analysis
Peng Shuai,Zhang Chunbo,Yang Yang,Ding Kun
Institution of Science of Science and S&T Management in Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China
Abstract:Graphene has gradually become one of the most remarkable field in the nanotechnology and industries, and it also has been a competitive area for many countries. From the perspective of relevancy of science, technology and industry, this paper reveals the development characteristics and competitive situation of main countries and regions, which is of great significance to explore the advantages and disadvantages of China in graphene field for formulating effective policies. Based on patent data, we measure and analyze eight major countries and regions through the science-technology association strength and industrial technology diffusion ability.The US takes the lead all in the Sci-Tech interaction, industrial technology diffusion capability and their matching degree. Japan and South Korea have lower absorption rate of basic knowledge, but with quicker speed.As a power in basic research, the UK lacks strength on whether Sci-Tech interaction or industrial technology diffusion capability, and its industrialization level is also behind Asian countries such as China and Japan, Korea.Although starting late,China shows a strong development trend both in Sci-Tech interaction and industrial technology diffusion ability.
彭帅,张春博,杨阳,丁堃. 科学-技术-产业关联视角下石墨烯发展国际比较——基于专利的计量研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(4): 181-188.
Peng Shuai,Zhang Chunbo,Yang Yang,Ding Kun. International Comparison of the Development of Graphene from the Perspective of Science-Technology-Industry Relevancy: Based on the Patentometrics Analysis. , 2019(4): 181-188.
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