Spatial Correlation Network Structure and Effects of the Yangtze River Economic Innovation Drive Belt:Taking the National High-Tech Zone as An Example
Shao Hanhua1, 2, Zhou Lei2
1.Research Center of the Central China for Economic and Social Development,Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031,China;
2.School of Economics and Management,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330031,China
Abstract:This paper took the national high-tech zone as the base of the innovation development,and used the entropy method to measure the comprehensive innovation ability of 29 high-tech zones in Yangtze River economic innovation drive belt in the year of 2011—2015,and then applied it as the innovation“quality”to gravitational model to construct the spatial correlation matrix.On this basis,the paper studied the structure and effect of innovation network by using social network analysis method and fixed effect model respectively.The results show that:①The innovation capability of the high-tech zones is generally low,and presents a spatial distribution pattern of “high east and low west”with a steady temporal evolution trend.②The spillover effect of innovation kinetic energy between high-tech zones is obvious;the stability of the network is slowly weakening,and the degree of innovation correlation has more room for improvement.③The Yangtze River economic innovation drive belt presents a significant“core-periphery”distribution,and the high-tech zone members in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River are at the core of the network.④The Yangtze River economic innovation drive belt can be divided into four innovative blocks:Yangtze River Delta,the vicinity of the Yangtze River Delta,the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.The spillover effect of the second block to the first block is most significant.⑤The improvement of the status of high-tech zone members in the network has a significant positive impact on the development of their own comprehensive innovation capabilities.
邵汉华, 周磊. 长江经济创新驱动带的空间关联网络结构及效应分析——以国家高新区为例[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(5): 107-115.
Shao Hanhua, Zhou Lei. Spatial Correlation Network Structure and Effects of the Yangtze River Economic Innovation Drive Belt:Taking the National High-Tech Zone as An Example. , 2019(5): 107-115.
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