Abstract:Based on the micro-panel data of Chinese universities in 2008—2016,this paper firstly measures the transformation efficiency of scientific and technological achievements through the network DEA model,and explores its spatial convergence.Based on the perspective of the innovation ecosystem,this paper constructs a spatial error model to empirically test Chinese universities.The influencing factors of the transformation efficiency of scientific and technological achievements,the research results show that:①the transformation efficiency of scientific and technological achievements in Chinese universities is at a low level,and its spatial correlation is significant;the transformation efficiency of scientific and technological achievements in universities in the eastern regions is significantly higher than the transformation efficiency of scientific and technological achievements in universities in the central and western regions.The spatial agglomeration effect has a weakening trend,which has led to the trend of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the central and western universities without catching up with the eastern region.②Government funds have a significant role in promoting the transformation efficiency of scientific and technological achievements in universities,and it is more significant before 2012;the impact of corporate funds on the transformation efficiency of scientific and technological achievements in universities is not significant in 2008—2012,and there are in 2013—2016.Significant positive impact;other funds have no significant negative impact on the efficiency of scientific and technological achievements in universities.③The senior professional title personnel significantly promoted the transformation efficiency of scientific and technological achievements in colleges and universities.It is difficult to achieve the transformation efficiency of scientific and technological achievements in colleges and universities.Since 2012,China's reward evaluation mechanism has been improved.
林青宁, 毛世平. 高校科技成果转化效率研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(5): 144-151.
Lin Qingning, Mao Shiping. Research on Transformation Efficiency of Chinese Universities. , 2019(5): 144-151.
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