Abstract:China is in the middle income stage in 2017.The rising labor cost made the economic growth speed slowing down.The accumulation of human capital is the key to the cultivation of the new motive force of economic growth and across the “middle income trap”.In the case of labor heterogeneity,the increase of labor cost may cause the skill premium.Based on the analysis of the labor market model,the relationship between the skill premium and the accumulation of human capital shows an inverted “U”type.It uses 2005—2016 Chinese provincial panel data to do analysis.The results support the corresponding hypothesis that appropriate skill premium is conducive to human capital accumulation.Data show that the skill premium of skilled and medium skilled people in most of China's provinces is greater than the optimal value.The increase of labor costs caused by the disappearance of the demographic dividend is beneficial to reduce the skill premium,promote the accumulation of human capital and improve the quality of economic growth.
刘运转, 宋宇. 劳动力异质、技能溢价与中等收入陷阱[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(6): 172-178.
Liu Yunzhuan, Song Yu. Labor Heterogeneity,Skill Premium and Middle Income Trap. , 2019(6): 172-178.
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