Abstract:Based on the knowledge search theory and the enterprise innovation theory,this paper uses hierarchical regression analysis to explore the role of knowledge search in the process of enterprise innovation performance improvement.The results show that knowledge search ambidexterity positively affects enterprise innovation performance;market orientation plays a moderating role in the relationship between knowledge search and enterprise innovation performance,more precisely,proactive market orientation strengthens the positive relationship between knowledge breadth depth search and enterprise innovation performance.Responsive market orientation weakens the positive relationship between knowledge depth search and enterprise innovation performance.This study provides an important basis for managers to effectively use market orientation and adopt a ambidexterity knowledge search strategy to acquire innovative knowledge and improve innovation performance.
徐建中, 李奉书, 潘伟, 付静雯. 双元知识搜索对企业创新绩效的影响:市场导向的调节作用[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(7): 119-127.
Xu Jianzhong, Li Fengshu, Pan Wei, Fu Jingwen. The Affect of Knowledge Search Ambidexterity on Enterprise Innovation Performance: Moderating Role of Market Orientation. , 2019(7): 119-127.
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