Abstract:Disruptive technology can revolutionize the original technological structure,which has far-reaching implications and has attracted the attention of many countries.At present,most of the research focuses on the elaboration of its significance value and the discussion of its identification methods,but lack of systematic research on its features.There are 16 potential features from having been analyzed and assumed features of predecessors,which are discussed with three typical disruptive technical cases of liquid crystal technology,digital camera and instant messaging,and are amended,perfected and supplemented by replication logic.This paper proposes that disruptive innovation is a special technological competition relationship.Based on the relationship of technological competition,it puts forward five characteristics of disruptive technology,and builds a process model of disruptive innovation with the characteristics.It provides a basis for the following identification methods of disruptive technology,by exploring the phenomena and connotations of disruptive technology characteristics
苏鹏, 苏成, 潘云涛. 基于历史案例的颠覆性技术特征分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(8): 1-9.
Su Peng, Su Cheng, Pan Yuntao. Research on Features of Disruptive Technology Based on Historical Cases. , 2019(8): 1-9.
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