The Impact of R&D Subsidies on Innovative Output of Enterprises
Li Shiqi1,2, Zhu Pingfang1
1.Research Center of Econometrics,Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,Shanghai 200020,China; 2.Institute of Economics,Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,Shanghai 200020,China
Abstract:By measuring optimal lag of enterprises non-labor R&D input on innovative output based on its spillover effect,using spatial panel model and the data of Chinese 31 provincial regions during 2009—2015,this article studies the impact of R&D subsidies on patent application number and new product sales revenue of different size and ownership enterprises.This study finds that only the impact on large and state-owned enterprises is significant,but the impact on medium enterprises,non-state-owned enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises is not.The result of optimal lag and the output elasticity shows that the independent innovation ability of state-owned enterprises is stronger compared to non-state-owned enterprises,but the transformation ability is weaker,the scarcity of R&D capital and talent are the main restricting factors on large-scale innovation of non-state-owned enterprises.Thus the policy implication is attaching importance to the regional synergy and pertinence of R&D subsidies,constructing the innovation environment of fair competition and encouraging the free flow of innovation elements.
李世奇, 朱平芳. 研发补贴对企业创新产出的影响研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(8): 18-26.
Li Shiqi, Zhu Pingfang. The Impact of R&D Subsidies on Innovative Output of Enterprises. , 2019(8): 18-26.
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