Abstract:This paper first uses the dynamic super-efficient SBM model to measure the innovation efficiency of 104 national high-tech industrial development zones in China.Then it empirically analyzes the impact of trade on the innovation performance of high-tech zones from the two aspects of the city's trade environment and its own trade level.The study finds that the urban trade environment has significantly promoted the growth of innovation performance in high-tech zones.And this effect is significantly different in the three levels of the municipality and the special economic zones,sub-provincial cities and planned cities,and general prefecture-level cities.The general prefecture-level cities are more sensitive to the urban trade environment,and more susceptible to urban economic development and the hardware and software conditions of high-tech zone.On the contrary,the rise of the level of trade in the high-tech zone has not driven the pace of innovation,mainly leading to the simple expansion of the scale of trade,and it cannot help to accelerate the efficiency of research and development and innovation
熊然, 卫平. 贸易视角下高新区创新绩效研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(8): 35-43.
Xiong Ran, Wei Ping. Innovation Performance of High-tech Zones from the Perspective of Trade. , 2019(8): 35-43.
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