The Government Trust Structure Dimension Behind Public Attitude of Genetically Modified Agricultural Technology ——A Qualitative Study Based on Weibo Comments
Pang Zhenjing, Ye Zirong
School of Economics and Management,Southwest Jiao Tong University,Chengdu 610031,China
Abstract:Using the grounded theory method,taking the weibo comments on genetically modified agricultural technology as the original data,this study analyzed the government trust structure behind public attitude of genetically modified agricultural technology.Study finds that the government trust structure behind public attitude of genetically modified agricultural technology consists of seven main categories ,such as government ability,government officials,public participation,information disclosure,the performance of government officials,regulation impartiality and integrity,which can be summarized as contractual trust,mutual trust and regulatory trust.Three forms of trust are subject to “macro,medium and micro”,which have a significant impact on public attitude of genetically modified agricultural technology.
庞祯敬, 叶子荣. 公众对转基因农业技术态度形成中体制性信任的结构维度——基于微博平台互动评论的质性研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(8): 114-122.
Pang Zhenjing, Ye Zirong. The Government Trust Structure Dimension Behind Public Attitude of Genetically Modified Agricultural Technology ——A Qualitative Study Based on Weibo Comments. , 2019(8): 114-122.
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