Abstract:At present,various of “big data exchanges”are springing up like mushrooms.But the legal framework for big data trading activities is rudimentary and antiquated.In this regard,the relevant legal system should be clear:in the big data,the object of the transaction is the“big data information”which is independent and can be moved and mainly has property,not the other;Transaction behavior is reflected in the transfer of ownership of big data,the use of data information and information service.Besides trading contract body,there are wide data information resourcers and data information users which are out of transaction activity.Though their interests has no property charater,it should get legal recognition and protection
王德夫. 论大数据时代数据交易法律框架的构建与完善[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(8): 123-131.
Wang Defu. Construction and Improvement of the Legal Framework of Data Trading in China Under the Time of Big Data. , 2019(8): 123-131.
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