A Summary of the Interaction Between Knowledge Spillover and Agglomeration:A Literature Review
Wang Gongbo1, 2, 3 , Guan Chenghua1, 2, 3
1.School of Economics and Resource Management,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China; 2.Capital Institute of Science and Technology Development Strategy,Beijing 100022,China; 3.Beijing Key Lab of Study on Sci-tech Strategy for Urban Green Development,Beijing 100875,China
Abstract:Knowledge spillover and agglomeration have endogenous interactions:knowledge spillover is important for agglomeration,and agglomeration is also conducive to knowledge spillover.Clarifying and reviewing the interaction between knowledge spillover and agglomeration in the literature has a strong practical significance for China's innovation development and urban agglomeration construction,and it also has a certain theoretical value.This paper reviews the important existing literature by constructing a review framework.It looks back the discovery process of mutual promotion between knowledge spillover and agglomeration.It interprets the endogenous interactions between knowledge spillover and agglomeration,summarizes the shortcomings of the existing literature and the direction that may continue to be further studied.
王公博, 关成华. 知识溢出与集聚的互动关系:一个文献综述[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(11): 67-75.
Wang Gongbo, Guan Chenghua. A Summary of the Interaction Between Knowledge Spillover and Agglomeration:A Literature Review. , 2019(11): 67-75.
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