Abstract:Through the reference network and keyword time series analysis of basic research policies,we construct the analysis framework of “five dimensions-whole process”to study the evolution of basic research policy diffusion.The five dimensions refer to content,intensity,breadth,speed and direction,the whole process refers to the period of invigorating the country through science and education,building an innovative country and innovation-driven development.The study finds that in basic research policy system,intensity and breadth of planning and legal policies are relatively high.What's more,intensity is aggregated and aggregation is gradually increased;breadth is instantaneous burst and increment has experienced high—low—high—low—high cyclical changes;the rate of legal policies has changed from a relatively large-stationary and the rate of planning policies has changed from large to small-scale fluctuations;the keyword time series analysis shows that diffusion content exhibits acceptance—radiation—contraction changes,and the diffusion direction evolves from top—down and parallel diffusion to parallel diffusion.
黄倩, 陈朝月. 基础研究政策扩散的文献量化研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(12): 12-22.
Huang Qian, Cheng Chaoyue. Study on the Literature Quantization of the Diffusion of China's Basic Research Policy. , 2019(12): 12-22.
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