Abstract:In the past 10 years,China has become the largest country in global patent applications,and patent operations have become an economic state that must be presented at this stage.The potential of enterprise patent operation needs to be released.This paper investigates the enterprise strength,the number of patent,patent operation and patent operation requirements of the enterprises of the rail transit optical-mechanical industrial park in Fengtai District of Beijing.Enterprises are divided into five types of patent operating entities based on the objective ability and demand of the enterprise.By using data mining and knowledge management methods,the three types of typical enterprises with high operational possibility in the park are analyzed for their inadequacies and reasons for patent operations in value chain activities.Since China's patent operation industry is not yet mature,the government's policy and assistance with funding play an important role.Therefore,this paper matches the patent operation mode of enterprises in the experimental area by combining the value chain of patent operation,and proposes suggestions based on enterprises' patent operation mode for the government to build a good patent operation environment and enhance the promoting effect of patent technology on the development of experimental area.
翟东升, 陈蒙蒙, 侯凯洋, 张杰, 赵君博, 何喜军. 价值链视角下企业专利运营研究——以丰台区轨道交通行业为例[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(12): 136-145.
Zhai Dongsheng, Chen Mengmeng, Hou Kaiyang, Zhang Jie, Zhao Junbo, He Xijun. Study on Patent Operation in Enterprises from the Perspective of Value Chain ——A Case Study of the Rail Transit Industry in Fengtai District. , 2019(12): 136-145.
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