Abstract:With regard to the tort liability of self-driving automobiles accidents,the main body of liability and the form of responsibility commitment are the focus of the current controversy,which also causes the dilemma of identification in practice.The academic community has debated for a long time about whether the legal personality of artificial intelligence can be endowed with the qualification of self-driving automobiles and its independent liability.Considering the protection of consumers' interests,the protection of infringed rights and the promotion of the development of the autopilot industry,it is not necessary to give AI the principal qualification solely for the purpose of explaining the effectiveness of AI's behavior. “Reference to Elevator Tort Liability Theory”is also inappropriate,and consumers do not need to take responsibility.The supplier of self-driving automobiles should be defined as the main body of responsibility,and the product liability is borne by it.It can be consistent with the principle of consistency of risks and benefits,guarantee product quality,enhance the safety performance of self-driving automobiles technology,and better protect the interests of victims.Although the product liability system has a strong adaptability to the adjustment of self-driving automobiles,there are also shortcomings such as the untimely relief to victims and the high litigation cost.By setting up a compulsory insurance mechanism for auto driving vehicles and innovating the liability insurance mode,the manufacturer or owner can afford the compulsory insurance,which can effectively supplement product liability,relieve victims in time and effectively,and disperse accident risk.
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