Experience and Enlightenment of Building An Innovative Economic System in the Bay Area
Liu Zuojing1, Chen Jie1, Yu Zhao2, Chen Min1
1.Guangdong Science and Technology Monitoring and Research Center,Guangzhou 510033,China; 2.School of Public Policy and Administration,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049,China
Abstract:On the basis of the analysis on the development trends of the three bay area regions of Tokyo Bay,New York Bay and San Francisco Bay Area,we propose the four-phase evolution of the bay area economy from a port-type economy,an industrial economy,a service economy and an innovative economy.The constituent elements of the innovative economic system in the three bay area are summarized into six aspects:technological innovation,industrial structure innovation,regional collaborative innovation,and so on.Comparing the three major gulf regions of the world,we find that there are six shortcomings in the construction of an innovative economic system in the Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Bay Area,which provides an in-depth analysis of the basic experience of constructing an innovative economic system in the world's three major bay areas and proposes accelerating Guangdong,Hongkong,and Macao.Six major strategies for the construction of an innovative economic system in the bay area.
刘佐菁, 陈杰, 余赵, 陈敏. 创新型经济体系建设的湾区经验与启示[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(1): 126-133.
Liu Zuojing, Chen Jie, Yu Zhao, Chen Min. Experience and Enlightenment of Building An Innovative Economic System in the Bay Area. , 2020(1): 126-133.
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