Configurational Analysis of China's Entrepreneurial Incubate Failure —— An Empirical Analysis Based on QCA Method
Zhang Baojian1, Duan Siyao2, Jia Mengyu2, Li Pengli2
1.Cooperative Innovation Center for Transition of Resource-based Economies, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, Taiyuan 030006, China; 2.School of Management Science and Engineering, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, Taiyuan 030006, China
Abstract:Incubation of scientific and technological enterprises has become an important measure to realize the national innovation-driven strategy,but the low survival rate and inadequate growth of enterprises have always plagued the practice of enterprise incubation.At present,the research on the theory of business incubation tends to focus on the influence of a single factor or a series of factors on business incubation,ignoring the correlation and synergy among the factors.And it is difficult to explain the fundamental reasons for the failure of business incubation.The systematic characteristics of the process of business incubation require the configuration theory for this issue.So,this paper uses qualitative comparison analysis (QCA)to study the multiple concurrent causal relationship between the lack of three dimension factors of talent supply,financial support,technology transformation and the failure of business incubation.The study finds that the factors leading to the failure of incubation are not unique,and there are five patterns leading to the failure of entrepreneurial incubation.The results of this study have a great significance to the matching investment decision-making of entrepreneurial incubation resources and the formulation of differentiated science and technology entrepreneurship policies.
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