CEO Openness Character, Innovation Capability and Degree of Internationalization
Chen Zhihong1, Zhang Ying2, Li Jian2
1.Institute for International Students, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China; 2.School of Business, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
Abstract:With the implementation of the Belt and Road Initivative,an important issue about how to choose the internationalization strategy has become the common concern for both academic circus and business sectors.In the circumstance,this research builds a theoretical model to analyze the influence of CEO openness on the degree of internationalization,and both the mediating role of the innovation capability and the moderating role of the aspiration loss are tested.The empirical results demonstrate that,CEO openness plays an indirect role in enhancing Chinese enterprises' degree of internationalization,which means the higher the level of CEO openness is,the higher the innovation capability is,thus such companies are more likely to enhance the degree of internationalization.Besides,aspiration loss plays a significant positive moderating role in the relationship between CEO openness and the degree of internationalization,as well as the positive relationship between innovation capability and the degree of internationalization.In addition,aspiration loss moderates the mediating role of innovation capability between CEO openness and the degree of internationalization.The results attempt to provide reference for Chinese enterprises selecting appropriate CEO to enhance the degree of internationalization.
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