Abstract:In this study,the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars 1998—2016 are chosen as the research subjects,and the CVs of 236 scholars are selected and coded in depth so as to examine the impact of their higher education experiences on academic career development.As the empirical results show,the winners of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars with continuous higher education from bachelor to doctor spent less time becoming assistant professor,but the influence tends to be not significant as their career development enters the professional title phase.Compared with male fund winners,female fund winners' career growth is faster at the professional title phase.Furthermore,the flow of units from high to low will increase the risk of survival of the professors and further accelerate their career growth.
张建卫, 李海红, 乔红, 王健. 生存分析视角下杰出青年科技人才的成长路径研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(3): 158-165.
Zhang Jianwei, Li Haihong, Qiao Hong, Wang Jian. A Study on Growth Path of Distinguished Young Scholars:The Perspective of Survival Analysis. , 2020(3): 158-165.
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