Abstract:As a mechanism of resource allocation which exerts influence on scientific research efficiency and behavior,the study of funding model for scientific research has gradually gained great attention from the academia.This paper reviews the study of public scientific research funding system and structure in foreign countries up to date,analyses the characteristics,the principle and development trend of funding model from the point of view of competitive as well as block funding.It also compares the two mechanisms in their effects on the scientific efficiency as well as quality of output,and summarizes their advantages,disadvantages and applicable conditions respectively.The paper thus concludes that the establishment of the public scientific research funding system in a country should be flexible combination and application of variable funding model that meets the national requirement.It hopes to provide reference for studying the scientific research funding model in China.
罗珵. 竞争还是稳定:国外科研经费资助方式和结构综述[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(4): 19-29.
Luo Cheng. Competitive or block funding:a literature review of international scientific research funding model and structure. , 2020(4): 19-29.
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