Industrial Agglomeration,Technological Innovation and Green Supply Chain Efficiency:PVAR Analysis Based on Panel Data of 28 Large and Medium-sized Steel Enterprises
Zhang Feng, Ren Shijia, Yin Xiuqing
Business school,Shandong University of Technology,Zibo 255000,China
Abstract:The construction of green supply chain system is the key for promoting the high quality development of steel companies.Selecting the green transformation and development of steel enterprises as the research perspective,and considering the influence of environmental factors and disturbance noise on the construction process of the green supply chain efficiency measurement model of steel enterprises,the trend of green supply chain efficiency changes of 28 large and medium-sized steel enterprises in China was systematically evaluated based on three-stage DEA model.Moreover,the two-way dynamic relationship between industrial agglomeration,technological innovation and green supply chain efficiency was tested based on PVAR model.The results showed that green supply chain efficiency of steel enterprises had a steady improvement overall from 2008 to 2017,but it still had a large potential for improvement.The green supply chain efficiency had typical differentiation characteristics in spatial pattern distribution.In particular,high-efficiency enterprises were mainly concentrated in the eastern and northeastern regions,and medium-efficiency and low-efficiency enterprises were mostly located in the central and western regions,and the overall efficiency change in the western region was not optimistic.There was a two-way Granger causality between the green supply chain efficiency and technological innovation of steel enterprises,but there was only one-way Granger causality between the green supply chain effiency and industrial agglomeration.Furthermore,in the system GMM estimation and impulse response test,industrial agglomeration had a significant role in promoting the efficiency of green supply chain in the short term,but in the long run there was a threat to the inhibition.Although technological innovation had a significant role in promoting the efficiency of green supply chains,its lag could have an impact on its positive effects.
张峰, 任仕佳, 殷秀清. 产业集聚、技术创新与绿色供应链效率——基于28家大中型钢铁企业面板数据的PVAR分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(4): 51-64.
Zhang Feng, Ren Shijia, Yin Xiuqing. Industrial Agglomeration,Technological Innovation and Green Supply Chain Efficiency:PVAR Analysis Based on Panel Data of 28 Large and Medium-sized Steel Enterprises. , 2020(4): 51-64.
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