Does intelligent investment need to be misplaced?——Evidence from Jiangsu
Wang Zimin1, Huang Zhongyi2
1.School of Economics,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210023,China; 2.School of Management,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210000,China
Abstract:Under the background that the aging of the population is becoming more and more serious,the youth labor force is continuously losing,and the labor is decreasing,the informationized investment represented by artificial intelligence becomes an important means to make up for the shortage of labor.How to plan and deploy the intelligent and automation technologies such as artificial intelligence and how to avoid the waste of resources caused by intelligent investment become a problem that enterprise must face with.The article uses the city-level panel data of Jiangsu Province from 2008 to 2017 to conduct theoretical analysis and empirical research on the relationship between intelligent investment and total employment and three industries,and uses Jiangsu experience to provide reference for China's development.The results show that the current intelligent investment has not had a significant impact on the total employment in southern and northern Jiangsu,and the intelligent investment has a creative effect on the employment of the primary industry in northern Jiangsu,and has no impact on the employment of the secondary and tertiary industries;There was a substitution effect on employment in the secondary industry in southern Jiangsu,but it did not affect the employment of the primary and tertiary industries.Based on the above research conclusions,from the perspective of intelligent and automation technologies such as artificial intelligence making up for the shortage of labor,the paper proposes countermeasures for optimizing the intelligent investment structure in different regions of China and better utilizing intelligent and automation technologies.
王子敏, 黄忠义. 智能化投资需要错位发展吗?——来自江苏的证据[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(4): 83-93.
Wang Zimin, Huang Zhongyi. Does intelligent investment need to be misplaced?——Evidence from Jiangsu. , 2020(4): 83-93.
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